Customized Nutrition For You and Your Baby
Our Mission Statement
Athena's Bump is all about providing you with the facts. Evidence-based research and science are what drives us. Athena's Bump is dedicated to reducing the rates of infertility, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and postpartum depression using customized, whole nutrition.
You’re at the right place.
Information about nutrition during pregnancy can be very overwhelming. We created Athena’s Bump to take the guesswork out of nutrition during your pregnancy.
Get a head start on a lifetime of health from the very beginning.
Curated just for you.
You are unique, so is your baby. Why should a one-size-fits-all meal plan work for you?
How it works.
Take the quiz. Get recipes. Create delicious meals that provide essential nourishment for you and your baby.
Healthy you, healthy baby.
Your baby is growing, so feed them wisely. From vitamin C and folate to protein and DHA, the nutrients you and your baby need changes over the 40 weeks. Using the latest medical research, we have you both covered.
Foods that nourish.
At Athena’s Bump, we focus on whole foods that nourish your baby. Recipes have been curated, customized and chosen for your needs and the evolving needs of your baby. We feed expanding families - one meal at a time.